Thesterilizer ss 304 door with wing nut locking system.
Triplewalled vertical autoclave for more insulation.
Thesterilizer inner chamber and outer chamber is ss304/316.
Sterilizersteam jacket, outer covering is ss304/316.
Sterilizerlid is made of thick stainless steel 304/ss316.
Sterilizercomplete piping is in ss304.
Autoclave insulated by mineral glass wool
Thesterilizer complete argon arc welding.
Thesterilizer have fitted with digital temperature controller
Sterilizer have digitaltemperature displayand digital timer.
The sterilzer built in steamgenerator to feed steam to the chamber
The sterilizer have pressure gauge, compound gauge for more
Sterilizer have temperature gauge for display temprature
Automatic pressure control switch in sterilizer .
Sterilizer have moisture trap and non-return valve .
Sterilizer have drain valve for safety compressor.
Water level indicator with ss enclosure.
Sterilizer have hi-tech mechanical vacuum system